Module 1 – Energy Module
Explore yourself as an Energy Being, a Creator of your Reality, a Powerful Light of the Universe. In order to access the Truth of who you are, we have to begin exploring the stories we tell ourselves. This deep dive into energy works on your thoughts, ancestral patterns, shadows, sub-personalities and more. This deep dive will leave you happier, more joyful, more contented and alive!
Module 2 – Mind Body Spirit Module
This is a deepening of the energy module. In this module, we look at the body and our lives as our creation. If we create everything, how did we create this thing we may not like? In this module, you will learn how you created pain, discomfort and unpleasant things in your body and life and how to change them! This module takes the power back into your hands!
Module 3 – Shadow Work & Forgiveness
Diving into your shadow and healing your stories is a key to being in the driver’s seat of your life. We all have repetitive patterns, and this module will take you much deeper into healing, thriving and growing past your limitations.This takes the work from the mind into the emotional and spiritual body.
Module 4 – Divine Feminine
Diving into our Divine Feminine (for both biological females and males) is a key to unlocking some of our deep wounding. We live in a society that is heavily emphasized on the masculine. This has created a lot of unrest to the individual and to our relationships. This module will help you to balance your masculine and feminine sides – so that your life and your beingness is more balanced.
Module 5 – Ancestral Work
So many of our stories come from our ancestral trauma. Rather than living in the shadow of that pain, we will learn tools and techniques to heal ourselves and heal them! We are so powerful and are capable of healing intergenerational trauma . This module will teach you how to do that.
Module 6 – Intuition Module
Woo hoo! Let’s wake up our intuition! There is nothing like learning to do an intuitive reading to tell you that you are tapped into Spirit. This module is a crescendo of the year. People always look back at this 3 day in person module and wish they could do it over and over. It is a game changer.
Module 7 – Money Module
Money is an energy. We all have stories around money which often don’t serve us. During this module, you will learn to make money a friend. You will no longer fear it or obsess about it, but understand how to use it as an energy that it is.
Module 8 – Business Module
This module is for anyone in the course- creating a business as a coach or not. It is set up for us to use all the tools we have learned in the year to create your life and / or the business that you want and desire.
Module 9 – Light Body Module
This module uses meditations and techniques to connect you with your light body. This last module takes us from our human experience to our Divine experience of love, source and infinite intelligence. The light body activation is our vehicle of transformation.