Intuitive Coach Training Program

ICT is a 9-month transformational program that leads participants on an individualized journey to change their experiences and lives around money, business career, relationships, health and happiness. These insightful instructors do this by showing and teaching a new paradigm for living through Universal Laws, energy and intuition based on their decades of successful practice.

While most people take this course for their personal development especially in the areas of intuition and energy; often they find themselves throwing their hat into the career ring to be a professional Intuitive Coach, launching successful careers in being of service and making a difference in the world.

This course is for everyone, but especially those of us who want to:

  • Heal our Stories

  • Understand our pain and shift it

  • Heal our relationships

  • Truly live miraculous lives of joy

  • Thrive and live on purpose

  • Increase our intuition

  • Live the work that we read in those self development books

  • Are you ready to heal?

  • Are you ready to dive deep into YOU?

  • Are you ready to live your Soul Purpose?

  • Are you ready to get to know yourself and truly be happy?

  • Are you ready to have a profitable, joyful career?

We are this beautiful Soul that is ready to sprout and grow into who we are meant to be.

And in order to do that we need to:

  • Access Your Magnificence
  • Re-discover Your Magic
  • Align yourself to your Truth
  • Become your own Best Friend
  • Live the life you were meant to live
  • Access your Unlimited Potential
  • Learn to Dream BIG!

The growth of your Soul is an application that takes work. We can only expand to a certain limit ourselves, as our own “ego” will stop us. We don’t know what we don’t know. To truly grow, when we immerse ourselves with others, we get a chance to heal and expand and step into the unconditional love for ourselves that we deserve.
The consistent work of self-reflection pays off – and we will best reap these benefits when we dive into ourselves and truly discover who and what we are!

A Look inside the course:

Module 1 – Energy Module

Explore yourself as an Energy Being, a Creator of your Reality, a Powerful Light of the Universe. In order to access the Truth of who you are, we have to begin exploring the stories we tell ourselves. This deep dive into energy works on your thoughts, ancestral patterns, shadows, sub-personalities and more. This deep dive will leave you happier, more joyful, more contented and alive!

Module 2 – Mind Body Spirit Module

This is a deepening of the energy module. In this module, we look at the body and our lives as our creation. If we create everything, how did we create this thing we may not like? In this module, you will learn how you created pain, discomfort and unpleasant things in your body and life and how to change them! This module takes the power back into your hands!

Module 3 – Shadow Work & Forgiveness

Diving into your shadow and healing your stories is a key to being in the driver’s seat of your life. We all have repetitive patterns, and this module will take you much deeper into healing, thriving and growing past your limitations.This takes the work from the mind into the emotional and spiritual body.

Module 4 – Divine Feminine

Diving into our Divine Feminine (for both biological females and males) is a key to unlocking some of our deep wounding. We live in a society that is heavily emphasized on the masculine. This has created a lot of unrest to the individual and to our relationships. This module will help you to balance your masculine and feminine sides – so that your life and your beingness is more balanced.

Module 5 – Ancestral Work

So many of our stories come from our ancestral trauma. Rather than living in the shadow of that pain, we will learn tools and techniques to heal ourselves and heal them! We are so powerful and are capable of healing intergenerational trauma . This module will teach you how to do that.

Module 6 – Intuition Module

Woo hoo! Let’s wake up our intuition! There is nothing like learning to do an intuitive reading to tell you that you are tapped into Spirit. This module is a crescendo of the year. People always look back at this 3 day in person module and wish they could do it over and over. It is a game changer.

Module 7 – Money Module

Money is an energy. We all have stories around money which often don’t serve us. During this module, you will learn to make money a friend. You will no longer fear it or obsess about it, but understand how to use it as an energy that it is.

Module 8 – Business Module

This module is for anyone in the course- creating a business as a coach or not. It is set up for us to use all the tools we have learned in the year to create your life and / or the business that you want and desire.

Module 9 – Light Body Module

This module uses meditations and techniques to connect you with your light body. This last module takes us from our human experience to our Divine experience of love, source and infinite intelligence. The light body activation is our vehicle of transformation.

Four Part Webinar Replay

The year will take you on a journey of a lifetime.

Take a listen to this four-part webinar.

Dr. Divi and Lynnette Brown give you four hours of a sample of what you will experience!

Webinar 1- Energy & the Divine Feminine

Webinar 2 – Ancestral Healing

Webinar 3 – Abundance

Webinar 4 – Using Universal Laws

This program includes:

  • · Tuesday nights 4-530 pm PST Live Classes the first three Tuesdays of the month
  • · Mentor group support monthly
  • · Pod group support monthly
  •   Office hours 1x/month (time/days vary) to provide group coaching/ask questions
  • · Practice teaching and leading groups
  • · A coaching buddy throughout the program
  •   Fabulous 3 day Intuition Retreat in Sedona Arizona (September- dates TBA)
  • · All of the small groups gives you a chance to heal your relationship patterns
  • · Lifetime access to replays of our weekly calls
  • · Group support & friends for life!

How is it set up?

  • Weekly classes for the first three weeks of every month
  • All weekly classes are held on Tuesdays at 4-530 pm PST
  • Office hours 1 x month with Dr. Divi and Lynnette to answer questions/coaching
  • These are all recorded for replay
  • During the last 1-2 weeks/month you will work with your coaching buddy, pod group & mentor (see below)
  • Homework almost every week – takes about 15-30 mins/week (not including the meditation time)
  • 3 day intuition retreat: Sedona, Arizona (Dates in September, 2023) dates TBA

During the 9 months you have access to:

  • Dr. Divi and Lynnette Brown and an incredible cohort to grow with!
  • A coaching buddy in the course intuitively chosen for you
  • A pod group – a small group of 2-3 people you work with monthly
  • A mentor – a volunteer graduate who works with you monthly
  • The benefit of all of these layers of support is tremendous! We get to see our patterns, our relationships, who we are being and really begin to heal
  • You will form friendships and connections that will be life-long

Listen to what others have to say

Are You Feeling the Call? Are you Ready? Are you Feeling the Nudge?

Do you have any questions about the class?

Are you wondering if we are a fit for you? 

Let’s set up a Discovery Call to Chat about it!

Fill out the form below- let us know the best times for a call & we will be in touch to set it up!

We look forward to connecting!

Schedule Your Call

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Ready to Register Today?

There is a pre-requisite that we require you to take so that everyone will be on the “same footing”. The class is Called: Energy 101

The class is all about energy, vibration and emotions.

These four weeks of recorded classes will set you up for the shifts that you will experience prior to starting and get you ready for an incredible journey of  transformation!

The Energy 101 series is approximately 4-5 hours long and can be completed easily in one sitting.

Meet Your Leaders

Lynnette Brown

Lynnette Brown

Certified Law of Attraction Coach

An internationally known business intuitive, Lynnette Brown, has been practicing professionally since 1999. She built her business skills and knowledge base working for a prestigious Houston law firm, but chose to leave this industry to assist people with growth and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives through her intuitive skills. She is a certified Law of Attraction Coach, Reiki Master, Angel Therapy Practitioner, Certified Medium & Intuitive, and Intuitive Success Coach.

Dr. Divi

Dr. Divi

Founder of the Mind Body Spirit Center

Dr. Divi has been a family doctor for 25 years and is the founder of the Mind Body Spirit Center. She is also an author, international speaker & teacher. Her training post medical school is wide and diverse. She is trained as a Mind Body Spirit Practitioner from the University of Washington. Dr Divi is also a Certified Medical Intuitive.


If you are reading this testimonial then my obvious answer to you is yes. Yes, you should definitely sign up for this year’s course. I was in your shoes a year ago and found myself looking for something new and with a purpose. I found all that and more in this course. The transformation of who I was to who I am is night and day.

I’ve become more loving, kind and confident within myself which allows me to navigate life far more easily. The bumps on the journey don’t feel so dramatic anymore. You delve deep to work on your inner self and address the issue you knew existed but were too afraid to approach. These 2 amazing, beautiful teachers coach you in a loving way to push through the uncomfortable feelings.

Also, it’s wonderful to be able to connect with like-minded individuals seeking a common purpose. After completing the intuition weekend I finally was able to acknowledge my purpose and truly believe in my ability. I’m so grateful for taking the leap, it’s allowed me to move forward on my journey.

If you are ready to take that next step in life to love yourself more, become more empowered and a more compassionate human being this is exactly where you are supposed to be.


I never knew that I was intuitive. And this course has shown me that I am and that I have direct communication with Spirit and that Spirit loves me and I can access that unconditional love all the time.

Before the course, I signed up for a couple of group classes with Dr. Divi, which helped me so much, and realized that I wanted more. I was tired of living at a constant level of unhappiness and feeling like a doormat. So I signed up to ICT with the intention of having a transformative year, and that is what I got. I feel transformed and like I have a giant tool kit to deal with anything that comes my way.

Before I took this course, I would get into these funks or depressed and it would last a really long time. Now I know how to lift myself out of depression and funks much quicker and I feel in control, rather than lost in unhappiness. I never intended on being a coach, but after about 4-5 months of taking the course, I became open to it and now can not wait to be a coach and further develop my gifts.

I am dyslexic and was nervous about the reading list and homework. It was completely manageable. Most of the books on the reading list are available in audiobook format, so I found that helped a lot. I have managed to start my own product-based business during the course and was able to do all of the homework and reading. I honestly don’t think I would have been able to manage the stress of starting a business if it was not for this course.

I feel so calm now, and when I do feel stressed, it does not last long and I am able to reach a place of neutral fairly quickly. I can also live happily in the moment rather than always living in the past or the future. It has been amazing to see not only myself but everyone in the class transform. When I look back at the recording from the beginning of the year, most of us are not even recognizable. We are all so different now and have grown so much.

I feel so lucky to have found this course and have gotten to meet such wonderful people. Lynnette and Divi are both powerful women that have opened me up to a world I was once scared of. I have learned so much from them and my classmates and I am so grateful to have been on this wonderful year-long journey with them.


I highly recommend the ICT course. I registered for the ICT course because my personal and professional life was a mess. I was fooling myself and living on auto-pilot. My life was terrible and wasn’t getting better; I felt disconnected, as though I was living a lie. The ICT course has exceeded my expectations.

I have reconnected to myself, and feel whole again. I appreciate my intuition and trust, love, respect and feel my worth. Personally, I have expanded my network and connected with new people and have rich relationships. Professionally, I have started a new career and have started an intuitive coaching business.

Divi and Lynnette create an amazing space to discover, learn, heal and grow. The class is taught with love and a commitment that truly honours who we are as individuals. There is an opportunity to connect consistently during the course to acquire additional support if required. I honestly cannot say enough about this course and Divi and Lynnette.

If you are thinking about registering I will say ‘just do it’; it is an opportunity and gift that will have you receiving more and more during and after the course.


It took a great deal of discomfort, sorrow and unhappiness for me to sign up for Divi and Lynnette’s ICT program. But I did and I couldn’t be happier about that decision!!

She (the ICT program ) has helped me break barriers within me and around me, I didn’t know existed. She’s been gentle and loving, and, she’s been there to give me gentle kicks when it seemed I needed to hear /see something. She’s smart and intuitive. She has a way of bringing out the very best in all she meets.

ICT is one of the best things that’s happened to me. I hope you enjoy your ride with her as well.


Doing this year-long class with Divi and Lynnette has changed the trajectory of my path in the best possible way!

I have learned how to trust my inner guidance in a brave new way. I have also learned how loved and supported I am by my Divine support team who are there for me always.

This class is a special container that will support you in your growth at whatever point you are on your journey. I’m so grateful the stars aligned for me to be a part of this wonderful group of humans with who I had the pleasure of sharing this journey with. I will forever be grateful to Divi and Lynnette for creating this class and for holding space for all of us to blossom in our own time.

I found out this class was happening 36hrs before it was to begin and I took the leap of faith because my heart knew it was where I needed to be! And it was right.


Whether you take the ICT course to become a coach or just to further your personal growth, it offers you a safe space to expand and really understand your gifts.

Taking this course with Dr Divi and Lynette has been profound and has set me on a path that I was previously afraid to venture down and am now so grateful that I have. It has provided me with invaluable tools, resources and knowledge to really understand and to love myself. I have worked on my shadows and saboteurs that were holding me back. I am less anxious, more grounded and more confident in my high-pressure career. My relationships are rooted in love and understanding. I have more confidence in my gifts because I now have the knowledge to understand how best to use them. And I also now have a new career path as a coach that I am really excited about.

You start the course with like-minded individuals and leave the course having created lifelong friendships. It is the best investment you can make in yourself and I highly recommend that you do.


The reason I embarked on the ICT program is I saw the magic that Divi had and has.

What specifically that looked like to me is the ability to see exactly where people need help/advice and exactly what they need to hear – whether they want to hear it or not to heal, transform or both. I thought, if I had a Divi in my business then we could help more people and better.

Since I knew that Divi is already super passionate about her work, I thought – I need to learn these tools myself. After almost a year in the program and intensively reading the book cover to cover and practicing many of the processes on a weekly basis – I can say that this course has transformed me forever.

My intuition is the most awake it has ever been, I am able to tune into people better to help them – in both business and personally and I have had so much alignment and evolution it’s immeasurable.

As a private wealth manager – The return on investment in this course is infinite.

You can expect to explore parts of yourself you never have seen before and rebuild yourself to your truest & best version of yourself. The practices carry on with you forever.

Jeremy ReinboltPresident, Videre Financiers Inc.

I  was searching for something when I signed up for this course but I wasn’t sure exactly what, perhaps just a sense of direction in life to calm the chaos. Over the year, I did find a direction and purpose in my life but I also found something more important, I found me. Hidden beneath the layers of life, trauma and disappointment, I was able to reconnect with who I once was and who I was meant to be. I made myself a priority and showed up for myself every week. I also met a group of people, who like me were searching and now I show up for them as well. Divi and Lynnette’s calm and intuitive teachings now have a permanent place in by daily life and will stay with me as I move forward.


I was talking to a classmate in ICT the other day, and one of the things I said about these last 12 months was how I’ve spent a lot of time diving into different passions growing up, and just being involved in some incredible things, but this is the first time in my life where I really feel I’ve landed in my purpose. All of these things we’ve spent time learning about and practicing are what I’ve been put here to be a part of. You two have both changed my life, and all it started with was that one in person session with Divi in August of 2021. I just don’t even know if I have the words! Thank you both so so so much for this year, it has truly been more special than I could’ve ever imagined.
